Reflecting on the power of standards, it became clear that broad adoption was a prerequisite for them to become game-changers. Early adopters of the ERC-4626 standard are happy to annouce today they are building the 4626-Alliance, a fertile ground for 4626-builders to foster collaboration and push the standard.



Standards in traditional technology are one of the most powerful catalysts. They drive interoperability, ecosystem development, and future innovation. Crypto is no exception to this: ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-4626. ERC standards are the condition for a successful composable and permissionless ecosystem.

ERC-4626 is one of the most exciting standards for Ethereum and DeFi. A standard for tokenized vaults:

ERC4626 is already gaining wide adoption in the DeFi ecosystem, and its compatibility is positive-sum and highly synergistic: contract interfaces become de facto compliant with any other ERC-4626 compliant protocol

4626-Alliance Scope: creating public goods

To foster collaboration between DeFi projects and push the standard adoption, members of the 4626-Alliance will:

Starring partners

mStable, Balancer, Aztec, and Superform have come together as “Starring Partners” to bootstrap the funding of the 4626-Alliance and define its early scope. Each project committed between $3k and $5k to a dedicated Gnosis Safe to finance ERC-4626 public goods. $15,000 was raised

The result of this work so far is: